"Parallels RAS is an absolute game-changer with its impressive features that cater to not only our needs, but our customers' needs as well. Its user-friendly nature makes it an invaluable addition to our tech team. It's simply a no-brainer."

Todd Ladouceur
Todd Ladouceur, Director of Technology
Plextec Inc.

Plextec Inc, a Managed Service Provider (MSP) located in Kitchener, Ontario, Canada, has been serving the insurance industry for over 30 years. With a focus on providing tailored IT services, they have become experts in supporting insurance brokers and law firms. Plextec takes pride in their ability to offer cost-effective, secure, scalable, and customized solutions to their clients, with a strong emphasis on installation, support, and maintenance.

During their first 15 years in business, Plextec supported their clients on-premises. After that point they transitioned the client roster to their custom-built cloud product, specifically designed for the unique challenges of the insurance industry.

The ChallengeOffering a cost-efficient cloud solution that effectively addresses cyber security concerns while requiring minimal ramp-up time.

Plextec was looking for:

  • A cost-effective solution.
  • Minimal need for ongoing assistance.
  • Secure and reliable offering.

Only offering their solutions in the cloud, Plextec’s focus was security and reliability, ensuring uninterrupted remote access to critical applications and desktops, irrespective of their clients' location or device(s).

As they continued to onboard an increasing number of customers, it was crucial for Plextec to scale on demand, maintain load balancing, and facilitate remote printing and scanning. Furthermore, considering the substantial number of clients with concurrent users surpassing 1000, having access to knowledgeable, dependable, and responsive support was vital for promptly addressing any issues.

In 2019, as they began researching, the Plextec team discovered Parallels RAS and learned that it not only offered multifactor authentication—which checked the security box—but a depth and breadth of features that had the potential to elevate their business model. These included simplified management, an exceptional UI, USP redirection, universal printing, and content offloading.

"Our guys love it. The built-in features, like the Connection screen, makes our lives easier and that facilitates smoother client support."

Todd Ladouceur
Todd Ladouceur, Director of Technology

The TestCan the security features in Parallels RAS meet client expectations while reducing the need for unnecessary support?

Plextec conducted a comprehensive trial of Parallels RAS, driven by its all-in-one management console and enhanced security features, seeking relief from the challenges faced with Microsoft RDS support.

The trial involved deploying 10 RDS servers with 10-15 users per server testing industry specific applications. Within just one month, Plextec enthusiastically confirmed Parallels RAS as their ideal choice for the following reasons:

  • Simplicity and user-friendliness.
  • Inclusion of targeted features addressing their specific business pain points.
  • Attractive pricing.
  • Establishing essential modern business rapport.

"As we cater to a vast user base, we needed a plug-and-play solution, which led us to adopt Parallels RAS. With its seamless functionality, assisting our customers has become effortless."

Todd Ladouceur
Todd Ladouceur, Director of Technology

The SolutionPlextec selects Parallels RAS to enhance their cloud-based MSP offering and completed a major migration.

Plextec swiftly wrapped up the testing phase and expedited the migration of a considerable number of additional users to Parallels RAS.

"We successfully expanded the global user base of one of our clients from 300 to 1050 users over a three-year period. This is primarily due to the simplicity and security Parallels RAS offers."

Todd Ladouceur
Todd Ladouceur, Director of Technology

Plextec primarily uses load balancing and connection monitoring within their multi-tenant architecture. Because their data centers can be managed via a single console from anywhere in the world, the data centers can be maintained and supported remotely if a disaster happens.

The ResultsYear-over-year growth of 10% and strong business partnership.

By adding Parallels RAS to their MSP toolbox, Plextec has provided their customers with an all-in-one managed hosted cloud solution—including customer support and data backups—resulting in 10% client-base growth year-over-year.

Additional benefits experienced by the Plextec team:

  1. Time savings: Reduced client-side deployment time, achieving an impressive cost-saving when compared to their previous solution. Bonus: the “time saved is used to enjoy a shot of espresso and plan strategically (that is the stuff that really grows a business)” quipped Ladouceur.
  2. Simplified management: Plextec no longer needs to manage multiple tools since they can host and manage their data and applications from a centralized console.
  3. Accelerated security and cost savings: Parallels RAS provides additional layers of security, including Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) and encryption tools, eliminating the need for an extra robust firewall.
  4. Outstanding support service: Reliable and responsive support services from Parallels contribute to increased productivity and minimized downtime.

"Parallels RAS perfectly aligns with our pricing model, allowing us to incorporate it seamlessly. The exceptional relationship we have built together is crucial for fostering a strong and prosperous business partnership."

Todd Ladouceur
Todd Ladouceur, Director of Technology
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